You Are Not Alone
April 16, 2021

A reminder from the PGCVFRA Peer Response Team....

As volunteers serving the citizens of Prince George’s county, we suit up, run the calls and return to the station with our volunteer family. Each of these calls may be routine or it could be a bad wreck, a near miss or a call with hurt kids that we just cannot forget. It can ratchet up our stress and anxiety. Add to these events a new virus that is dangerous, potentially deadly, changes how we must protect ourselves and others and our ability to cope can be stretched to its max. These are particularly challenging times we are living in. Some may have been ill, lost loved ones or have lost their jobs and are struggling because of the pandemic. This further stretches our ability to manage the stress and anxieties of our lives. The PGCVFRA has a Peer Response team of fellow volunteers who are available to help. These peers can help talk through any problem or issue that our volunteers are trying to deal with. No judgement. Completely confidential. You are not alone.